
What are your delivery times?

Please allow up to 7-10 business days to fully process your order as each order is customized for you!

How much will shipping cost?

Standard Shipping free for any US order $100+ or $8 for all orders under $100.

Can you provide worldwide shipping?

Insternational shipping is calculated based on shipping Zip code. Current shipping restrictions in some countries are only allowing UPS or DHL. Please contact us if you need any help.

My Order

How can I cancel my order?

Because we strive to get your order shipped as quickly as possible, we cannot cancel an order once placed as processing begins immediately. If you reach out to us immediately we may be able to catch it but it is not Guaranteed.

What if I receive the wrong product?

This event will most likely not happen; however, if it does please email and we will fix the issue as soon as possible.

Do you offer exchanges for items that do not fit?

If you receive your swimwear and are not happy with the results, we will be happy to remake with the adjustments that you may need. Please email


How do I return my product?

Our commitment to helping women feel beautiful and confident is our product guarantee. Simply Put... love the product or send it back.

We appreciate your business and for the opportunity to serve you. We hope you love the product but if not, please return with care! No Stains. No Smells.

Returns for a credit must be sent back within 30 days from order date. Refunds are processed within 7-14 business days after receiving your return pieces.

How do I care for my product?

Always wash in the gentlest manner as this will help prolong the life of the garment.Use minimal detergent, wash on cold (or hand wash) and air dry. Do not apply heat.

Email for any additonal information.
